
Jakarta, New Life, New Home..

Back again to Jakarta, after 3 years assignment abroad, from the country that not only so damn beautiful but also as peacefully as hell, yeaah this is Jakarta, the city full of hope for 250 milion others people, I was born and raised here, grew with the hardness of the environment.

Jakarta is the most sophisticated city among others in this country, while other city maybe or mostly don’t have what... mall... elevator... escalator.. decent airport or maybe just simple as don’t have KFC or Jco, well... I think I miss Switzerland, but not the job hell no, the job is worst job ever, but the Country is... what is the right word... is... Heaven

What I mean by the heaven is... the people, the society and the system is working together to create heaven, yes it has to be created, I salute them, maybe they are atheist, maybe they don’t believe God, or maybe they don’t believe in heaven, but infact, they do try to creating heaven on earth. So what is heaven? the holly book describe heaven as place that have so many beautiful park, that the strange rivers accross below them, a place that no one feel suffered, and always happy or feel simply peace, and that is Switzerland, at least I feel that way.

All system is meant to be easy, it have to be easy, you name it, they have it, what? Transportation always on schedule, every 8-15 minutes, the deck is so low that can make people so easy to walked trough, by people I mean for every level age, man and women, pregnant or senior, the payment system is by machine, online, can bought also from simply smartphone, thats the only tiny example what heaven is.

The park... so beautiful, clean, decent, fresh with so many big trees and green grass in a yard, always like that, the park also became the place for socialize, for kids playground, for couple that in love, for family ocassion, it’s the park that reunite them, to contemplate by looking at the high of blue sky, blue lake and crystal green river, yup, crystal water of lake and river apparently is not a myth, its real! Hahaa...

What else... the scenery of the mountain.. is..... for God sake is Perfect!! But I believe is not about the view, is not about the scenery that make it perfect, no its not, I do believe all view is the same, all scenery is the same as beautiful as everywhere else in the world, what the difference is the easyness of access, yes the easyness. Back then, never cross on my mind that would like mountain so much and feel amaze of the view there, I don’t understand also why my friends would let them self suffered and struggle just to go the mountain in indonesia, to risked their life and endangered their health, so there it was, I don’t like to go to the mountain.

But in switzerland, its easy, every mountain always have more than one alternative transportation, always available using car, train, tram, cable car, etc, the top of mountain always have restaurant and panoramic deck for tourism attraction, the key is easyness, everything must keep easy to be accessed and enjoyed.

So.. now Jakarta is real, this is the real life now at least for the next 2 or 3 year left I wish to accomplish certain things to do, such as having kids, got master degree on collage, perhaps scholarship better, greatest vacation on honeymoon holiday, and... what else... just to keep survive and health by more keen on routine of swimming and fitness, and hopefully my body would be like Jeff Said or not known model in many underware boxes, hahaa...

 Ps : Love you my wife, thanks for making all easy
(trus, Dhis...?!!)


Handling Problem

Sebagai seorang pegawai yg kini sudah biasa bekerja di jakarta, di suatu kementerian, latar belakang IT Murtad alias IT seperempat, seperempat elektronika dan 50 persen lainnya adalah googling, hehee... dan kerjaan juga dituntut bisa segalanya soal IT, soal jaringan, soal printer dan soal mesin fotocopy, harus bisa semua dan akan dianggap dewa, wok..wok...wok... Kiranya perlu bagi saya utk mendokumentasikan segala pekerjaan saia yg sangat penting bukan utk anda, tapi utk saia sendiri agar dikemudian hari tidak lupa, wkwkk... hush ketawa mulu, baiklah kita mulai deretan prahara yg dimintai tolong oleh user.

 1. Ga bisa ngeprint !!
Yak inilah complain terbesar sejagat raya kementerian ini yg dikuasai orang2 gaptek bin ajaib bin parno bin paranoid, maka obat pertama paling mujarab adalah restart komputer dan restart printer! Cek kertasnya apakah nyangkut, pernah tuh kertas nyangkut tapi warning di komputernya suruh masukin cartridge, oya cek cartridge! Pernah juga udah ini itu eeehhh cartridge nya ga ada, wkwkkkk...

Cek kompatibilitas printer ama OS, OS 7 gag kompatibel dengan printer Hplaserjet 1000 series, beneran loh itu, bukan mitos, lalu ya install ulang drivernya ajah, terkadang emang rese aja bisa ngilang gitu aja. Itu klo printer ama komputer nyatu, lah klo beda? Klo pake share? Klo beda OS? Bodo amat dah, coba aja utak-atik paling ntar bener sendiri, pertama ya yakinin dulu klo fasilitas sharing printer on semua, di control panel, atau bisa dr adapter setting, klik advance semua di turn on dan enkripsi yg paling rendah, hopefully bisa walopun gw ga tau, pkknya on smua, hahaaa... Lalu di komputer yg kismin karna ga punya printer itu, seperti biasa ya windows R lalu ketik IP target lalu double klik aja next next langsung bisa tuh byasanya.

Pernah sekali aneh bin ajaib ada 1 kompie yg ga bisa, itu karna error 0x00000709, itu tuh karena si kompie masi nyimpen default printer di regedit, di win nya lah, di googling, pkknya hapus default printer di regedit sesuai langkah2 dr google, pkknya masuk ke yg belakangnya current user, win, devices etc etc hapus, restart.. Bisa? Enggak donk, hahaa... coba berkali-kali ga bisa juga, ya sudah lah udah hopeless ini langkah terakhir add printer yg printer di kompie lain lewat add printer control panel lalu pilih network printer, ntar windows nyariin printer yg terhubung jaringan ada list nya gitu, klo ada di list ya tinggal pilih next next, klo engga pilih not listed, lalu masukkin manual dengan format \\namakomputer\\namaprinter, cari nama komputernya nya lo klik kanan di computer klik properties, klo nama printer di pas lo windows R itu, hehee....

2. Ga bisa inet !!
Ini nih, masih banyak aja orang yg gag ngerti bahwa ga bisa inet itu beda dengan ga bisa buka web, ya beda lah, kadang sering aja klo firefoxnya yg crash, atau emang lemot jadi ga kebuka kan ya, dibilangnya ga bisa inet, pokoknya klo ada user komplen ga bisa inet ga usahlah berpikiran jauh2 banget, paling firefoxnya crash lo musti ctrl alt del trus delete firefox dari list program, atau paling kabel ethernet belom ke colok, atau belum di enable, atau paling parah ya kabelnya digigit tikus di atap trus ga nyambung ke switch atau IP nya beda, ya utak-atik ajalah yaa..

3. Mo ngeLAN
Tujuannya utk bisa file sharing secara banyak banget dalam satu ruangan yg biasanya ada 1 kompie khusus nyimpen data nah kompie2 laen musti ambil dari situ, ya pokoknya lo turn on dulu smua fitur sharing di advance sharing properties yg klo lo buka internet option pojok kanan bawah, turn on smua sama turn off password protected buat ga ribet, trus enable enkripsi yg paling bawah aja biar semua bisa pake, jangan lupa utk statikin IP nya, lo liat dulu di details IP nya sama gateway nya dan DNS nya, jadi pas statikin samain aja sampe ke DNS2nya. Trus di kompie user ya tinggal tembak ke kompie target pake win R \\Ipkomputer, trus file sharingnya geret deh ke desktop, wuiiiihhh mereka akan terpesona dan anggep gw kayak dewa, wkwkkkk...

 4. Ga bisa Scan !!
Ini juga komplen terbesar kedua setelah ga bisa ngprint, ngescan dari mesin fotocopy, jadiii..... caranya adalah lo catet ato inget dulu ni IP mesin fotocopy di user details, trus di kompie yg mo scan tanyain aja sebelumnya udah pernah bisa scan belum, udah ada account belum di mesin, kan klo mo scan di mesin musti pencet account namanya, jadiiii.... pada prinsipnya utk bisa scan di kompie musti di install aplikasi FTP, trus masukin target file scan nya, biasanya di desktop dengan nama folder SCAN, lalu menuju web based mesin fotocopy dengan masukin IP si mesin di web browser, lalu ke address, ya klo udah ada accountnya paling sesuain IP nya aja, byasanya klo liburan panjang IP kompie akan berubah jd ga cocok lagi sama yg di list address mesin, jangan lupa utk statikin juga IP kompie biar ga berubah2 dan ga ngerepotin lo, klo misal belom ada accountnya buat baru, new user, cocokin aja sama yg lain settingannya, jadi deh trus coba scan, voilla!! Mereka akan nyembah2 lo kayak dewa, wkwkkkkk.....

 Lalu ga bisa scan bisa juga karna aplikasi FTP nya gag aktif, kan byasanya setiap start up mustinya aktif, klo ga aktif ya lo ajarin aja orangnya utk aktifin aplikasi FTP yg harus muncul di pojok kanan bawah, trus ga bisa scan juga karena folder SCAN nya di rename, ya lo jelasin aja klo ga boleh ganti nama folder, sadis yee..

5. Print banyak dengan Offsett
Ini bukan masalah user sih, ini masalah gw, jadi kerjaan gw musti suka print dokumen yang banyak, nah trus gw musti staples atu2, naah yg jadi masalah dan consuming time bgt adalah ketika gw musti sortirin dokumen trus nyetaples, tiap dokumen kan ga sama jumlah halamannya, gw musti harus teliti banget, naahh mulailah gw mencari cara gimana nih printer mesin fotocopy bizhub 363 bisa ngeluarin kertas yg beda2 atau posisi antar dokumen tuh bisa ke beda lah, jd gw ngambilnya juga enak ga musti di sortirin.

Sebenernya ada lho fitur offset namanya, pas lo klik nanti gambar dokumen 1 dan 2 nya melintang, jd kayak dokumen pertama portrait yg kedua landscape, nah yg musti di lakukan adalah bedain posisi kertas di tray, jd tray 1 posisi kertas portrait, tray 2 posisi kertas landscape, ini akan berpengaruh pada pengeluaran dokumen sesuai dengan posisi di traynya, tapiiii..... ini berlaku klo lo ngeprint dokumen yg sama tapi copynya banyak, dia akan otomatis rubah posisi kertas atau otomatis gonta-ganti tray, naah gw mah copy dokumennya cuma 1 tapi yg diprint bejibuuun, ya sudahlah, jadinya tiap gw ngeprint ya klik properties trus gonta-ganti tray aja dr 1 ke 2 lalu 1 lalu 2, pokoknya toggle lah, jd pas dokumen keluar ya posisi antar dokumen dibedain jadi portrait sama landscape, tinggal ambil masukkin ke jari tangan langsung 4, staples 4x, persis kayak tukang fotocopy di kampus gw dulu, wkwkkk.... well it works dan memudahkan ketimbang musti teliti olahraga mata sortirin dokumen atu2 dan staples atu2.
(trus, Dhis...?!!)